Mr. Mauro Patti

Curriculum vitae

 Curriculum vitae

Personal information
NameMauro Patti
Date of birth09/03/1969
Education and training 
• 1993Civil Engineering Degree – Structures achieved on 07/04/1993 at Università degli Studi di Palermo. Dissertation on “Dynamic behaviour of the framing”. Supervisors Prof. Di Paola and Prof. Cerami
• 1993Qualification for the profession of Engineer achieved in July 1993;
• 1993Registration in the Order of Engineers in the Province of Agrigento at no. 884;
• since 1993Registration in the Register of Office Tecnical Consultants of the Court of Agrigento since 1993;
• since 1997Qualification for the Coordination of Safety during the phase of Design and the phase of execution (Legislative Decree 81/2008 Title V);
• 2003-2004Enthusiast of the subject “Infrastructure for Special Transport” at the Departament “City and territory” of the Faculty of Architecture of the Università degli Studi di Palermo – Academic Year 2003-2004 – Università degli Studi di Palermo- Degree in Architecture – Prof. Ferdinando Corriere
Foreigners languagesEnglishReading: Good; Writing: Good; Speaking: Good.Language Certificate released by Eurolingue School (University of Cambridge English – Authorised Centre)  
Work experience
• since 2008Commissioner of the Technical Commission for Verification of Environmental Impact (VIA SPECIALE Subcommission) ministry of the environment of the territory and of the protection of the sea
With the decree of the minister of the environment for the protection of the territory and the sea, the undersigned was appointed member of the national commission v.i.a. (environmental impact evaluation) and v.a.s. (strategic environmental evaluation) established at the same ministry. In carrying out these functions, it has consolidated experiences in the field of environmental and territorial protection and development planning.The undersigned has gained “professional experience in the field of environmental evaluation” over a decade in administrative procedures and public evidence related to environmental evaluation having managed in the context of his own activity, on behalf of public administrations, design tasks, construction management , technical-administrative tests and infrastructural works and environmental protection. In the field of infrastructures of national interest, subject to the legislation in force at the via procedure, the undersigned has gained a deep knowledge of the regulatory system having been nominated since 2008 by the minister of the environment, territory and sea protection, member of the national commission via / vas and in particular the via special subcommission, of which he is still part, which is responsible for accepting (within the via) the implementation of the related interventions approved by the cipe, as well as for monitoring and control (variants and compliances), all according to legislative decree 163/2006 and subsequent amendments.
As a member of the technical commission for the verification of the environmental impact (subcommission via speciale) and as referent or member of the instructor group, he took care of numerous opinions, execution verifications and compliance verifications related to the works included in the law no. 443 of 2001 (so-called “target law”).
Below are listed some of the most important investigations carried out by the undersigned within the via special subcomission and the via subcommission of the ministry of the environment: 
Annex 1 list of some of the most important investigations carried out by the undersigned as member of the VIA Special Submission and the via subcommittee of the ministry of the environment
• 2016 Ministry of the interior’s councilor – Italy for the improvement of the efficiency of the welcome centres and for the detailed study on the territorial issues
Name and address of the employerMinistry of the Interior – Italy
from 2012 to 2014Extraordinary Commissioner of the Railway Metropolitan Node of Palermo – Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Name and address of the employerPresidency of the Council of Ministers – Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport – Italy

The Great Project Railway Node of Palermo: Route La Malfa / EMS – Carini is part of a wider system of interventions for the improvement of the entire “Palermo-Punta Raisi” line, functional to the upgrading of the metropolitan railway network of the Sicilian capital . The realization of the Great Project will make possible to: reduce travel time, reduce noise and air pollution, improve safety and regularity standards of traffic in the node and towards Trapani and Messina. The intervention is integrated with the others scheduled on the entire line and, in particular, with those relating to Section A: Palermo Centrale / Brancaccio-Notarbartolo, where natural tunnel sections and sections B are planned: Notarbartolo-EMS / La Malfa. The interventions envisaged by the Great Project concern 2 sub-sections located both outside the urban nucleus of the City of Palermo:- Subsection EMS / La Malfa – Isola delle Femmine. The doubling develops almost completely in the open, with the exception of a lowering of the iron floor between Cardillo and Tommaso Natale and a new subway near the Isola delle Femmine Station;-subsection Isola delle Femmine – Carini. From the Isola delle Femmine train stop, the railway station proceeds for almost the entire route except for an underground section to the Kennedy stop and two new subways to solve the interference with the S.S. 113 and with Via Sant’Anna.
• 2010- 2011 Actuator Subject in the Technical Prison Plan – O.P.C.M 3861/2010
Name and address of the employerCommissioner – Delgate for Prison Emergency Ministry of Justice – O.P.C.M 3861/2010 Ministry of Justice – Italy The undersigned has done:Proposal for approval Final Design of the new 200 person custodial pavillon at the Parma Penitentiary Institute.Proposal for approval Final Design of the new 200 person custodial pavillon at the Casa di Reclusione – Casa Lavoro di SulmonaProposal for approval Final Design of the new 200 person custodial pavillon at the Casa Circondariale di SiracusaProposal for approval Final Design of the new 400 person custodial pavillon at the Milano Opera Penitentiary Institute.Proposal for approval Final Design of the new 200 person custodial pavillon at the Vicenza Penitentiary Institute.Agreements for the location of the areas destined to the construction of the new prison infrastructures provided for in the Prisons Plan, according to article 17 ter of the decree law 30.12.2009 no.195 converted with amendments by the law 26.02.2010.
•from 2003 to 2008Task of external expert of the Provincial Administration of Agrigento for the advice and technical support in the field of projects and programs of economic development of provincial interest as well as the monitoring and implementation of the projects of the Institution.
Name and address of the employerRegional Province of Agrigento
• 1999 Member of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Provincial Agency for Energy and Environment (APEA) of the Regional Province of Agrigento
Name and address of the employerRegional Province of Agrigento
• since 1997  Member of the Provincial Commission for Land Expropriation of the Province of Agrigento (Decree of the President of the Sicilian Region 351 / Gr. XV / S.G. 04/11/1997)
Name and address of the employerPresidency of the Sicilian Region
• in 1995  Technical Director of the company R.T.A Advanced Technological Researches. This company deals with: production and experimentation of traditional and innovative materials, both for technological research and certification; the execution of static and / or dynamic load tests concerning parts of structures or structures concerned as a whole.
Name and address of the employerRicerche Tecnologiche Avanzate s.r.l.
Professional Design Points, Work Management, Testing, Safety in Workplace
• 2011Professional task for the Environmental Impact Study (SIA), aimed at the VIA procedure, and relating to the intervention of the existing tourist settlement in the municipality of Cefalù owned by Club Méditeranée.
• EmployerClub Méditeranée 
• Task performedEnvironmental Impact Study
2009Extraordinary maintenance works of the Cà d’Alto tunnel, south carriageway of the A.12 motorway, from progressive 56+047 to progressive 56+178 in the municipality of Moneglia (GE).
• EmployerSALT “Società Autostrada Ligure Toscana p.a.”
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing
• 2009Supply, installation and providing services for a CCTV video surveillance system for toll booth, tunnels and critical locations on the SALT motorway sections.
• EmployerSALT “Società Autostrada Ligure Toscana p.a.”
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing
• 2008Technical – administrative testing during and at conclusion of construction works Misura 5.04 of the POR Sicilia 2000-2006 “Zaera Sud” interchange parking in the Municipality of Messina
• EmployerRegione Siciliana
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing
• 2002- 2009Executive planning and supervision of construction works “Primary and secondary urbanization works and green facilities (sub-urban park) to support the E.R.P. located in Via Pietra di Maria – Municipality of Piana degli Albanesi “
• EmployerRegione Siciliana Presidenza
• Task performedFinal, executive planning and supervision of construction works
• 2008 – 2009Executive plannig, for single following sections, for optical fiber network systems in Sicily – MAN Agrigento
• EmployerSIELTE S.p.A.
• Task performedExecutive planning
• 2007 – 2008Topographic surveys and cartographic representation to be carried out in the municipalities of Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Enna finalized to the drafting of a project for the construction of optic fiber works in the Sicilian Region referred to the agreement between Infratel Italia, Sicilian Region and Innovation-Municipalities of Enna, Caltanisseta and Agrigento
• EmployerInfratel Italia spa
• Task performedTopographic surveys
• 2007-2014Adjustment works of the areas in hospital of the Policlinico Universitario di Messina to the D.P.R. 01/14/94 “- with an upset price of € 3.372.779,75 – Notification D.A. no. 0375 of 09/03/2007
• EmployerSicilian Region – Health Council 
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing, during and at conclusion
• 2006Works related to the use of the castle of Milazzo
• EmployerPresidenza della Regione Siciliana – Dipartimento Regionale della Programmazione
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing
• 2006Works for completion of the Via Ammiragli Cagni and G. Spata and parking facilities for the areas near the school
• EmployerCommissioner Delgate OPCM 3255/02
• Task performedPreliminary, definitive and executive design
• 2005Works for the construction of the Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Arena di Sciacca, relative to the structural design and to the plant design (electrical, water, fire, thermal)
• EmployerArch. Giovanni Spitali 
• Task performedConsultancy in the executive design of plants
• 2005Urban park of the Castello di Nicosia
• EmployerProvincia Regionale di Enna 
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing
• 2005Seismic Verification of the Presidio Ospedaliero S. Cimino of Termini Imerese according to paragraph 2, art. 2 of the ordinance no. 3362 of the Fr. of  08/07/2004
• EmployerASL 6 – Palermo 
• Task performedSeismic verification according to paragraph 2, art. 2 of the ordinance no. 3362 of the Fr. of 08/07/2004
• 2004Extraordinary maintenance work on the provincial roads of the East zone.
• EmployerProvincia regionale di Agrigento 
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing
• 2003Work of superelevation of the auditorium of the Liceo Classico “F.Fazello” of Sciacca
• EmployerProvincia Regionale di Agrigento 
• Task performedStatic testing
• 2003Final design of a residence for university students in the Santa Croce district of Agrigento
• EmployerComune di Agrigento 
• Task performedFinal design
• 2002Extraordinary maintenance and emergency intervention year 1999 on the roads of the northern area of the province
• EmployerProvincia regionale di Agrigento 
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing
• 2002Technical-operative support task for the collection, interpretation and evaluation of the additional technical and economic data necessary for the drafting of the Agrigento area plan.
• Task performedTechnical-operative support task
• 2001Task for the variation of the Piano Commerciale (Commercial Plan) of Lampedusa and Linosa.
• EmployerComune di Lampedusa e Linosa
• Task performedVariation of Piano Commerciale
• 2001Completing works for the west dike of the port of Licata
• EmployerASI (Area di Sviluppo Industriale di Agrigento) di Agrigento 
• Task performedManagement, assistance for testing, settlement, measurement and accounting of works, safety coordinator during the execution of the works
• 2001Executive project of the internal and external works of the building – inside the former Psychiatric Hospital of Agrigento
• EmployerAUSL n° 1 Agrigento 
• Task performedExecutive planning
• 2001Renovation work of part of the former Civil Hospital located in Agrigento – via Atenea to be used as a residence for university students in Agrigento
• EmployerConsorzio Universitario di Agrigento 
• Task performedDefinitive and Executive Design, and Safety coordination during the Design phase
• 2001Intervention according to art. 1 L.1991 / 433 “Istituto Tecnico Agrario Eredia” in Catania
• EmployerPresidenza Regione Sicilia – Dipartimento Regionale Protezione Civile
• Task performedDefinitive and Executive Design
• 2001Renovation works and conservative restoration of the S. Antonio church – Municipality of Siculiana
• EmployerCuria Vescovile di Agrigento 
• Task performedExecutive planning
• 2000Testing of Extraordinary Maintenance Work for year 1994 on the SS.PP. no. 58 – 25
• EmployerProvincia regionale di Agrigento 
• Task performedTechnical – Administrative Testing
• 2000Drafting of the Provincial Plan for Urban Solid Waste Management of the Regional Province of Agrigento task.
• EmployerProvincia Regionale di Agrigento 
• Task performedWaste Management Plan
• 1999Project for the adaptation of school buildings. Safety and hygiene rules – Plesso Scuola Elementare Villaggio Peruzzo (AG)
• EmployerComune di Agrigento 
• Task performedExecutive planning and construction works supervision
• 1998Restoration and adaptation to the safety standards of the “Di Giovanni e Quasimodo” secondary school in Villaseta
• EmployerIACP di Agrigento
• Task performedExecutive planning
• 1997Final design task for the construction of production sites (P.I.P.) in Pantano – In this project an Environmental Impact Study was also carried out for the insertion of the work in a sensitive environmental context.
• EmployerComune di Nicosia (Enna) 
• Task performedFinal design
• 1996Works for the construction of a factory for bottling and storage of vegetable oil located in the industrial area of Agrigento
• EmployerAS.PR.OL. Sicilia
• Task performedExecutive planning
Work Experiences according to the Law Decree 626/94 and subsequent amendments and additions
• from 1998 to 2003Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service at the Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio of Agrigento.
• Name and address of the employerAzienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni di Dio Agrigento
• from 1999 to 2000Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service at the Comune di Palma di Montechiaro.
• Name and address of the employerComune di Palma di Montechiaro (Ag)

Training Courses

• 2017Ethics and Professional Deontology
• 2017Earthquake Terrein Characterization: The Masw Method
• 2017Heat Pumps For Heating And Cooling How To Dimension Them, Fields Of Application, Plant Aspects And Regulations
• 2015The Home Wrap with Respect of Energy Containment
• 2015Updating Course For Safety Coordinators on Construction Sites
• 2015Consolidation and Structural Reinforcement of Concrete Structures and Masonry: From Theoretical-design Approach Through Surveys Up To Solutions In Reference To Current Regulations
• 2015Introduction to thermography
• 2015Stabilization of the slopes and protection of water courses with reduced environmental impact structures
COMPETENCES AND RELATIONSHIP SKILLSOrganization and managerial skills acquired in more than 20 years of professional activity, carried out at the own engineering office and in teams of professionals of other studios and companies, in the engineering department and as a member of the VIA-VAS Commission from 2008 to today . In the context of the activity carried out, he has gained:Competence in different situations of team work where collaboration is necessary;Ability to work with various and varied time schedules in order to achieve the objectives set or for the needs of the structure;Excellent communication and relation skills.
COMPETENCES AND TECHNICAL SKILLSUsual use in the workplace of Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), AUTOCAD, ARCHICAD, Internet and specific engineering applications. Multitasking skill to coordinate the management of files to make several professionals work simultaneously.Excellent skills acquired for illustration, during public presentations, of the work carried out through the use of specific software with preparation of descriptive parts, tables, summary sheets, graphic drawings, photoediting. In addition, during the university studies he passed the exam of “Fundamentals of Computer Science”, provided during the university course (Fondamenti di Informatica – esame sostenuto in data 15/10/1992)
COMPETENCES AND ARTISTIC SKILLSAttitudes and skills acquired in the course of professional activity in the writing of clear and well structured texts that helps the recipient to understand. Furthermore, he has specific technical expertise in environmental legislation, contracts, tenders, expropriation, administrative acts.
(Mr. Mauro Patti)


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